Imaging the conscious Riemann hypothesis demonstration

Riferimento: 9788869723209

Editore: Bonomo
Autore: Negri Marco
Collana: Collana scientifica
In commercio dal: 01 Febbraio 2024
Pagine: 46 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788869723209
10,00 €
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By putting into focus and describing the original mathematical form or ultimate-prime form of the unitary triadic zero (i.e. ?), the essay offers an eidetic-iconic demonstration of the classic Riemann hypothesis and a new basic formula for the evaluation of the prime numbers. The essay also offers a proof of a more general version of the Riemann hypothesis, what one should call the 'conscious Riemann hypothesis', that is the idea that the form of the self conscious unitary triadic zero conceived as the genuine atomic principle of the human cosmos or micro-cosmos is real. Such proof is built by contemplating and modeling a comprehensive mathematical theory of self consciousness of the mind and the world, and in the end by depicting a view of the point of view (i.e. a minimal self conscious view of the mind eye). The restarting conclusion considers the main reach and the most relevant consequences of the methods and theses elaborated and highlights, among other things, the explanatory and unifying potential contained in the idea of 'metalogoscope', synthetically seen as the source or principle of the elementary order.