ICT handbook for inclusive education

Riferimento: 9788838611070

Editore: McGraw-Hill Education
Autore: Limone Pierpaolo, Toto Giusi Antonia
Collana: Scienze
In commercio dal: 17 Maggio 2023
Pagine: 190 p., Libro
EAN: 9788838611070
19,00 €
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In the digital age, radical transformations in the way we communicate and share content has been having a great impact on the fields of education and teacher training. Students, on the one hand, are increasingly accustomed to or akin to a certain type of languages, tools and processes that pertain to the world of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies); teachers, on the other hand, need to grasp the challenge of innovation with vigor in order to make the teaching experience as effective, inclusive and hooked to current reality as possible. Within this framework, teachers should settle into an area that is undergoing strong development, namely that of digital technologies. Operating inclusive teaching, to date, means knowing how to manipulate methodologies that are intertwined with information technology and the use of devices and software, both online and offline. To accomplish this, one must first be familiar with the latest forms and manifestations of innovative pedagogy. In this regard, a number of insights and reflections on the use of ICT for teaching are advanced in this manual, implementing theoretical treatises through practical and already proven exercises. The new role of the teacher as a project manager in the digital field, the application of the video game to educational practice, the problematics of virtual identities, digital storytelling as an alternative method: the authors dwell on some of the aforementioned focal points, in the name of an innovative pedagogy immersed in contemporaneity.