Eastern European history review. Annually?historical?journal (2020). Vol. 3: The Sobieski family. History, Culture and Society.

Riferimento: 9788878539006

Editore: Sette Città
Autore: Boccolini A. (cur.), Ceci F. (cur.)
In commercio dal: 14 Marzo 2021
Formato: Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788878539006
19,00 €
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he new issue of Eastern European History Review brings together the scientific research products presented at the international conference held in Warsaw in October (18-19) 2019, focusing on The Sobieski Family: history, culture and society. Insights between Rome, Warsaw and Europe. This issue of Eastern European History Review bears the same title of the conference. This seems in fact the most appropriate choice for a volume addressing the most significant moments and phases of the long, and at times peculiar, history of the Sobieski family approached from interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspectives - history, literature, and art history, among the others -. Along the lines dear to their research, the authors of the essays examined aspects and moments linked to the many members of the Polish royal family, always careful to contextualise their stories within the complex cultural and geopolitical dynamics of their time, and without neglecting to deal with more private themes but not devoid of scientific interest.