Italy. The essential guide to customs & culture

Riferimento: 9788868491802

Editore: Anteprima Edizioni
Autore: Tomalin Barry
Collana: Culture smart!
In commercio dal: 11 Marzo 2021
Pagine: 104 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788868491802
14,00 €
Disp. in 4/5 gg lavorativi

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Italy is an illuminating and practical guide to Italian culture and society. It will help you turn your visit - whether it's for business or for pleasure - into a memorable and enriching experience. Contents include local customs and traditions; the impact of history, religion, and politics; the Italians at home, work, and play; eating and drinking, Italian style; dos, don'ts, and taboos; business practices; communication, spoken and unspoken; and many practical tips for managing the unexpected.