L'artiste c'est moi! Mille couleurs à la Galleria Borghese

Riferimento: 9788898302383

Editore: Gebart
Autore: Abete Veronica
In commercio dal: 30 Luglio 2019
Pagine: 32 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788898302383
6,00 €
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The French edition of this book introduces young readers to twelve masterpieces at the Galleria Borghese. Each artwork is described in a two-page spread containing a colour reproduction of a celebrated painting or statue, a brief narrative text and question testing observation skills as well as the drawing of the artwork to colour in. A palette with a selection of colours helps the readers choose the right colours to use. Completing the book are sixteen brightly coloured stickers to stick onto the drawing after working out which details of which artwork are shown.