Hacker Mindset. How thinking like a hacker can improve your code, your coffee, and your life (The)

Riferimento: 9788833774787

Editore: Passione Scrittore selfpublishing
Autore: Carlucci Francesco
In commercio dal: 23 Giugno 2023
Pagine: 88 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788833774787
15,00 €
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In an increasingly digital world, security isn't just about firewalls, viruses, and antivirus software - it's about understanding the mindset of the elusive hacker. 'The Hacker Mindset' is a collection of real-life hacking stories that break down common misconceptions and empower readers with the tools and mindset applicable to everyday life. It is a personal book where the author goes through his memories and puts together the most meaningful stories which marked his path to becoming a professional hacker. While it dives into a few technical topics, 'The Hacker Mindset' is designed for the non-technical audience. It uses a zero-knowledge approach, making it an accessible and insightful read for anyone, regardless of their IT proficiency level. More importantly, this book demonstrates how anyone can benefit from the hacker mindset in everyday life. Through this mindset, you will learn to see beyond the obvious, uncover hidden patterns, and understand how exploiting these can lead to new opportunities and a distinct advantage in many aspects of life.