Are we really open for innovation?

Riferimento: 9788825514254

Editore: Aracne
Autore: Orlando Beatrice
In commercio dal: 2020
Pagine: 76 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788825514254
7,00 €
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Current study aims to provide an alternative view of open innovation, entangled and framed within social-collective rationales for its adoption. Thereby, we propose a bandwagon model for open innovation. Our findings confirm that today momentum could be explained by bandwagon behavior. However, the superiority of innovative performance envisaged for the open model is a fact solidly confirmed by empirical evidence. These results clarify that, for once, practice and academia are aligned. Consistently with the social-collective logic, «the future of open innovation is more extensive, more collaborative, and more engaged with a wider variety of participants» (Chesbrough 2017, p. 35).