J-Reading. Journal of research and didactics in geography

Riferimento: 9788833653617

Editore: Nuova Cultura
Autore: De Vecchis Gino
In commercio dal: 2020
Pagine: 126 p., Libro
EAN: 9788833653617
25,00 €
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In questo numero: Riccardo Morri, A Question of Geography Literacy: Geographical Studies on Covid Sars 2 and Lifelong Education Thematic issue. A geographical and crosscutting look at the COVID-19 pandemic in an international framework Edited by Cristiano Pesaresi Cristiano Pesaresi, A geographical and crosscutting look at the COVID-19 pandemic in an international framework. Introduction Joop van der Schee, Thinking through geography in times of the COVID-19 pandemic Chew-Hung Chang, Teaching and Learning Geography in pandemic and post-pandemic Realities Gino De Vecchis, Geography for environment and health in the time of COVID-19 Estella Geraghty, Joseph Kerski, The Impact of COVID-19 on Geography, GIS, and Education Antonio Angeloni, Antonella Farina, Cristiano Ialongo, Patrizia Mancini, Emanuela Anastasi, Monitoring the infection of SARS-CoV-2 and the development of diagnostic tools Stefania Cerutti, Stefano de Falco, The low tide of tourist flows in the COVID-19 era. Insights into the economic and social shades of the ongoing phenomenon Antonella Primi, Cristina Marchioro, Time-geography approach during the COVID-19 emergency in Italy: a constraints study at national and local level MAPPING SOCIETIES (Edited by Edoardo Boria and Tania Rossetto) Shinobu Komeie, The Cartographic Heritage of Tokyo: The Representation of Urban Landscapes on Maps from the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries.