Graph Theory and BIM. A topological approach for building layout design

Riferimento: 9788825534580

Editore: Aracne
Autore: Donato Vincenzo
In commercio dal: 08 Luglio 2020
Pagine: 128 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788825534580
13,00 €
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The book presents the use of Graph Theory (GT) as a valuable incremental alternative to the analysis of architectural solutions. It discusses the use of GT for the analysis of complex topological relationships between spaces used in the assessment of the architectural form. The analysis is done through the creation of customisable mathematical parameters automatically extracted from buildings' layout produced in any Building Information Modelling platform. The resulting analysis enables the visualisation of critical aspects that are often obscured or not immediately evident. This is where the value of GT applied to building design is more relevant, i.e. in the revealing of underlying problems that could have gone, otherwise, unforeseen until too late or too costly to resolve.