The Role of Logistics in Boosting the Italian Agribusiness. China's Belt and Road Initiative Scenario

Riferimento: 9788825536270

Editore: Aracne
Autore: Corcione Carlo
In commercio dal: 2020
Pagine: 72 p., Libro in brossura
EAN: 9788825536270
8,00 €
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China has, for better or for worse, changed the world, in just over a half century. One of their latest strategies is the Belt and Road Initiative; the project of the century as it has been defined. The project is still in a very early stage and seeing the grandeur of its aim and the involvement of innumerable players and countries, it will probably take several years to be fully implemented. Italy is one principal country that could in principle take most advantage of it, especially in sectors such as agribusiness where Italy, although being one of the world's top countries in terms of value and quality of products, lacks the infrastructure that could boost the whole sector. The main argument of this book is that although the Belt and Road Initiative could, on balance, improve the agribusiness exportation, in order to exploit it, much remains still to be done by Italy. Prefazione di Fabio Carlucci.